September 14

How to keep cats out of your yard


Cats are beautiful pets, and those who love them enjoy their company. But not even cat lovers like it when their yard becomes a meeting place for stray cats. But how can you keep cats out of your yard? You can keep cats out of your yard by removing food sources, using scent repellants, installing sprinklers that are activated by motion and fencing, eliminating any hiding areas and using ultrasonic devices. Recently, I noted that so many cats were coming to my yard during the day and at night. At night they used to get on the roof, making it difficult for me to sleep. I began to research how to get rid of them most humanely. This post will discuss the best ways to get rid of cats from your yard.

Getting rid of food sources.

Stray cats will always go where they can find food. They mostly feed from trash or bird feeders in your yard. You can get rid of the cats by ensuring that the trash containers have lids and are tightly secured. That way, the cats will have challenges digging into your trash for food. Additionally, if you have birds, cats will always come to look for food in the bird feeders. The best option is to secure a feeding area for birds with a wire mesh o that cats cannot access the bird feed.

Using scent repellants

There are several commercial cat repellants available in the stores. Most cat repellants use the scent of a cat predator, such as a dog, lion, or panther. The repellant may be the scent of such predators or their urine. Such will scare off cats, and they will resist getting into your yard. Other forms of repellants include
  • Citrus- Fresh citrus peels, citrus-scented spray
  • Blood meal- Dried animal blood
  • Coffee grounds- From the coffee ground from your coffee grounding machine.
  • Pipe tobacco- from Tobacco shops
  • Vinegar- Dilute vinegar from your kitchen with water and spray in the yard
  • Essential oils - Mix one liter of water with ten drops of eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, or lavender oil and spray the yard.

Motion sensor sprinklers

The sudden noise produced by sprinklers as they spray water scares off the cat from the yard. Also, cats hate to get their far wet. They will therefore avoid any place where they can get wet.


Fencing is an effective method of keeping the cats out. A wire mesh fence will keep even the most ardent climbers out of your yard. Cats may also fear getting into enclosed areas where they can be trapped easily.

Eliminate any hiding areas

Dark and warm places in your yard will encourage cats to come and stay in the yard. Get rid of old and unused cars, which provide a good hiding place and sleeping place.


Getting rid of the cats from your yard may require more than one method. While one method can work effectively, you may need to combine more than one method if the problem persists.

FAQ section

Can I use the lion’s urine from the zoo?

Yes, when cats smell a predator’s urine, they will keep off


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