August 5

How To Make Your Lawn Greener


What’s the worst part of being a gardening/yard enthusiast with OCD? No matter what, the grass will always be greener on the other side!

Hey friends, how is everyone doing? It’s your friendly DIY home expert Stacy, and I’m here to share a very personal experience today. These days, I’ve had the hardest time dealing with severe OCD. No matter what efforts were put, I couldn’t be content with my yard’s condition.

“What more can I do to make the lawn greener? How can I enhance its beauty?” Day and night, these thoughts would drive me insane. But guess what? Days of intensive research later, I’ve finally cracked the code!

That said, here are some tips that I’ve personally tested and approved regarding how to make your lawn greener. If you share my OCD for lawn care, the following DIY hacks will undoubtedly come in handy.

Mind you, most of these are incredibly cost-effective and don’t call for expert landscaping assistance.

Now, without any further ado, let’s get started!

Proven Tips To Make Your Lawn Greener

1. Aerating Your Lawn Is Important

Most people live with children and pets, which explains how frequently the lawns are stomped upon in their day-to-day lives. However, they don’t realize that as time goes on, lack of proper care and attention can detrimentally affect the underlying soil.

There may be chances of the soil undergoing compaction, which isn’t a healthy sign for the landscape. You have to ensure that the ground isn’t facing any issue regarding water drainage, nutrient absorption, or air circulation. And how does one deal with such circumstances? Undoubtedly, time-to-time aeration of the lawn.

Why is it important? Although I’ve shared some of the critical benefits above, it doesn’t end there. For instance, it also amplifies the establishment of useful soil organisms such as earthworms, aiding to the enhancement of greenery even further.

However, aerating your lawn isn’t rocket science - you only need to punch three 3-inch deep holes throughout the surface. With such minimal effort, you can quickly improve the soil quality that directly makes the lawn greener in numerous ways.

2. Never Forget This - Natural > Artificial!

I’m just curious - why are plant enthusiasts nowadays rooting for chemical fertilizers? Gardening isn’t an overnight process; it takes months of perseverance and hard work to have a green and healthy lawn. And the only way you can achieve that is by going all-natural.

I’ve recently come across research by Austin’s Watershed Protection and Development Review Dept. that proves that natural lawn fertilizers are thrice as efficient as their chemical-infused alternatives. And not only that, but these toxin-free nutrient supplements are also very eco-friendly and carry no detrimental side effects at all - precisely what you need for a greener lawn.

3. Deep, But Less Frequent Watering Is How You Do It!

Okay, you’re one of those routine-oriented gardeners - but, is it working out well? As you’re reading this, it’s obvious that letting the sprinklers run for 2 minutes thrice a week isn’t showing satisfactory results.

Why so? To be precise, this step enables the roots to grow deeper into the soil, which is highly required for optimal nutrient absorption. Following this simple procedure will give your plants the strength to withstand extreme humid temperatures, making them greener.

Long story short, you must understand that less frequent, but deep watering is extremely natural for the plants, just like rain. Here, all you’re required to do is water the grass once a week, but ensure that you’re providing at least 1 inch of water. Not only will it make the grass thrive, but it’ll also help you understand whether the sprinklers are working evenly.

4. Trim The Grass To An Even Recommended Height

I’ve come across many gardeners who either set the lawnmower on the highest, or the lowest setting and wreak absolute havoc on their yard. However, it’s necessary to understand that similar to your hair; different grass types demand distinctive care and treatment.

Once you start treating the grass on your lawn as the hair on your head, you’ll automatically learn how not to miss out on the little details for extra protection. For instance, while researching, I’ve found out that cutting the grass correctly and as per a predetermined height aids in an enhanced growth process.

So, if you prefer mowing from time to time, it’s best that you invest in a reel mower instead. Its scissor-like cutting mechanism would simply trim the grass to an even measurement, without causing any stress to the roots. To choose the best corded electric mower, check out this review+guide!

5. Don’t forget to test the soil’s pH level

Forgive me if this sounds a bit complicated, but if none of these steps are working in your favor, it’s recommended to conduct scientific tests to acknowledge your soil’s pH level. Who knows? There might not be any flaw in your efforts after all!

Simply put, the soil has to maintain a pH level between 6 and 7.5 for the grass to thrive. In case the results aren’t in between these figures, it’s evident that the soil is either excessively alkaline or acidic. And if that’s the case, then you have to treat the ground properly.

It’s simple - if the pH level is higher than needed, you’d need sulfur/iron sulfate for soil treatment. If it’s lower, you’d need to use pelletized limestone to neutralize the pH level. Give it some time, and your lawn would be as green as a stock of fresh gooseberries.

Final Words

Nothing in the world can beat the joy of walking barefoot on healthy green grass while sipping on a cup of coffee. That said, these were some of the tips that I’ve used to make my lawn greener, which is guaranteed to work in your favor too.

I’ll see you soon with more exciting tips on renovating your living space, and till then, stay tuned.

Hasta la vista!


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