October 22

Inside Plants for Low Light


The first thing a person should learn about growing plants is how to make sure they are getting enough light. Too much, and the plant will not grow, and too little and the plant cannot survive. Most people think of their indoor plant as a living doormat, but they forget to feed it! But did you know that there are inside plants for low light? 

Indoor Plants That Can Survive Even with Low Light 

Most of us know that plants need light to grow and photosynthesis to happen. We may not know that plants have developed a number of adaptations to cope with the low levels of light they receive in the wild, which can sometimes be as low as 1-2% of the intensity of full sunlight. These adaptations include the use of many different pigments to absorb light, separating the photosynthetic action from the process of channels that transport water and nutrients between the photosynthetic cells and the rest of the plant. 

So, if you are looking for indoor plants that don’t mind receiving low light, here are your plant options: 

Prayer plant

is a flowering plant that typically forms a shallow-rooted clump when young but spreads out to a prostrate stem at maturity. The plant has a smooth stem, a waxy lanceolate green, glaucous, and obovate or ovate leaf. The flowers are produced in a terminal mass hanging from the tip of the stem. The plant grows to a height of about two feet.

Red Aglaonema

a large number of varieties are available, and they are easy to grow in bright light. Most of the aglaonemas are desirable for their low-water needs, which makes them attractive for houseplants that are frequently watered. A good time to feed your red aglaonema is in the spring when the plant is dormant. 

Chinese evergreen

is one of the most popular indoor plants for low-light homes. They are easy to care for, tolerate low light conditions, and are relatively pest-free. They are also durable, which makes them great for outdoors in the summer months, but you can keep them indoors year-round.


it’s a tropical region plant, so it has a good amount of sun to its needs. It’s a small plant so that it can be placed in a planter or even a dark room. The leaves are beautiful and have a wide variety of colors. It grows in a tree shape so that you can grow it in a tree or in a planter. It’s a great houseplant to have in a room that does not get a lot of light.

Nerve plants

are known for their long, pendulous growth habit, their small, barely noticeable leaves, the fact that they are evergreen, and that they are just plain pretty. They are easy to care for, too. They are generally compact inhabit, but their delicate growth habit can make them seem more like a work of art than a low-light houseplant.

When you find a new houseplant, it’s easy to get carried away and buy a whole bunch of them. But when you don’t have enough space for all of them, becoming selective about what you buy is important. One great way to do this is to choose houseplants that are native to areas with low or no light. So, you don’t need to worry about these plants if you have placed them in rooms with a low light supply. Just make sure that you are still taking care of them, just like the other plants in the house. 


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