March 3

Gas vs Electric Pressure Washer: Which Is Better?

When choosing the best pressure washer, a lot of us often get confused about whether to go for one that runs on gas or electricity. With a constant argument going around, the verdict is still not out over gas vs electric pressure washer and which is the better kind.

The polls are often divided equally, as some prefer the gas-powered models while others like the convenience of the electric-powered ones. Not sure which is the perfect choice for your cleaning needs?

To help you make a calculated decision about which is better, we have put together this guide for you.

What Is a Good PSI for a Pressure Washer?

Before we look at what each of these can offer, let’s first talk about how powerful your gas or electric pressure washer should be.

Determining a good PSI value depends on which of the two you are referring to.

Additionally, it also depends on how much pressure you need to get the job done.

The amount of PSI needed in electric vs gas pressure washers varies based on the intended cleaning area.

For instance, cleaning dusty surfaces (like decks) will not require a much higher PSI value than removing oil or other harsh stains from unpainted surfaces.

Don’t Forget About GPM

In fact, the amount of pressure or PSI is not enough to determine how effectively a pressure washer can clean any surface area.

The supporting GPM or gallons per minute helps ensure the amount of water that the pressure washer is expanding.

Basically, the more water it lets out per minute, the faster it will be able to clean any surface.

If you can adequately identify how much pressure (PSI) you require to clean any number of surfaces, you will quickly determine the kind and size of the washer to opt for.

Good PSI + GPM

If you are sure you will not need a pressure washer with over 2600 PSI, it is going to be a waste investing in a unit that has a 4000 PSI.

That said, you will find that most electric pressure washers can produce 1300 to 1700 PSI worth of a sturdy stream of water at 1.5 GPM.

However, it is always a good idea to opt for one that can at least produce 2000 to 3000 PSI at 2.5 GPM, especially when cleaning highly stained unpainted surfaces.

On the other hand, a small-scale gas-powered pressure washer for residential use can produce between 2000 and 2800 PSI at a 2.8 GPM.

Similarly, a larger gas-powered pressure washer will produce anywhere between 3000 and 4000 PSI at 4 GPM.

Do Electric Pressure Washers Work as Well as Gas?

While electric vs gas pressure washers pretty much do the same thing, which is clean surfaces, they function differently.

The best way to understand whether the electric version works as well as gas-powered units is to go over their main features.

1. Pressure Rating

In terms of absolute pressure, an electric-powered pressure washer can produce anywhere from 1500 to 2000 PSI over a basic 15-amp electric motor.

Despite this, you will see that many electric washers tend to employ more specialized motors, such as induction motors.

These are specifically designed to help cool down the engine and the supporting machinery through the circulation of water around the motor.

Additionally, some higher-end models also utilize axial cam pumps or triplex pumps.

Gas-powered pressure washers range between common residential ones and industrial-grade models.

On average, many of these units can easily produce 2000 to 4000 PSI worth of power, with some industrial pressure washers even going up to 7000 PSI.

With this, we can say that electric pressure washers can work as well as gas models but only on certain surfaces that don’t require a higher pressure rating.

2. Water Flow

As explained earlier, PSI and GPM go hand in hand in determining the cleaning efficiency of a pressure washer.

While electric pressure washers can efficiently deliver around 1.4 GPM, a gas pressure washer can go as high as 2.8 GPM.

To support such a high water flow, gas pressure washers also have a stronger body, sturdier pumps, and heavier-duty brass metal parts.

In comparison, electric pressure washers have more of a plastic-infused body, with steel ergonomic handles and threaded hoses that can easily manage the lower water flow.

As in the case with pressure rating, while electric pressure washers have dainty features, they can still deliver enough water volume required for small-scale cleaning projects.

3. Functionality

If you are looking for a pressure washer for indoor cleaning projects, you might want to opt for an electric model over a gas-powered one.

In terms of functionality, an electric-powered pressure washer does not require any form of ventilation.

The simple reason behind this is that it does not produce dangerous fumes as a gas model would.

4. Practicality

When it comes to practicality, electric pressure washers have an obvious edge over gas pressure washer models.

These are not only smaller and more compact in size but also considerably lightweight, ensuring portability and easy transportation.

Also, not only can they be easily stored indoors but used indoors, as well, thanks to the fact that they produce a low noise level.

On the other hand, while gas pressure washers are more durable and sturdier, they are also heavier in comparison and require additional maintenance.

Replacing any part of a gas pressure washer will be considerably more expensive than replacing a broken part of an electric pressure washer.

5. User-Friendliness

In terms of utility, an electric pressure washer will easily turn on with a simple switch.

On the other hand, you will need to tug on a rope to get the engine started in a gas pressure washer.

In conclusion, it is evident that electric pressure washers are not only more user-friendly but also take away extra points in terms of practicality and functionality.

6. Cost-Efficiency

Another essential feature to consider is the cost-efficiency of the pressure washer you are planning to invest in.

Electric pressure washers are mostly the obvious choice since they use electricity from the common sockets in the vicinity.

However, and often, the whole unit or different parts of it are made from plastic, which is not as durable and can easily break.

This means its parts would more probably require replacements after a few months of use.

On the other hand, gas pressure washers have a high running cost because of their dependence on gasoline.

difference between gas vs electric pressure washer

7. Eco-Friendliness

An electric pressure washer is the more environment-friendly choice, as it utilizes renewable energy in the form of electricity.

In comparison, a gas pressure washer uses gasoline, which will not only produce harmful emissions but also have a high carbon footprint.

Electric pressure washers operate rather quietly, too, which means it does not contribute to noise pollution.

On the other hand, gas units can be very noisy and should not be used indoors because of the harmful emissions they produce.

8. Maintenance Requirements

Maintaining and storing an electric pressure washer is much easier compared to a gas pressure washer.

For starters, electric units are lighter and can be easily stored indoors without worrying about oil spillage.

The problem with gas pressure washers is that they are much heavier and require timely tune-ups, fuel-mixing, and a much longer winterizing regimen.

A gas washer will need to have regular fuel changing.

You would also have to invest in an antifreeze fuel additive to add to the composition as part of the machine’s winterizing regimen.

9. Price

While you can easily get an average electric pressure washer between $95 and $180, a gas pressure washer will cost a bit more.

Ranging from $200 to $500, gas pressure washers can even go higher if you opt for an industrial-grade model.

Despite the high price, these are also much sturdier than their electric counterparts and will rarely require any replacements.

Gas vs Electric Pressure Washer (The Pros and Cons)

When talking about the gas vs electric pressure washer debate, it is essential to keep in mind that both types of washers have their own sets of pros and cons.

To best understand it, we have put together a list of the advantages and disadvantages associated with using both of them:

Electric Pressure Washers

More than anything, an electric pressure washer is the epitome of convenience.

Featuring low maintenance and a high-performing electric motor, it is best suited for short-range cleaning tasks.

Advantages of Using Electric Pressure Washers:

  • High PSI values up to 2000
  • Quiet functioning at around 78 dBA
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Can easily clean smaller areas, such as pools, decks, windows, and even boats
  • Low maintenance
  • Always ready to use with a flick of an On and Off switch
  • Don’t require any additional surcharges associated with purchasing gas or fuel
  • Considerably low prices compared to gas washers
  • No exhaust emissions
  • Small stature allows for easy indoor storage

Disadvantages of Using Electric Pressure Washers:

  • Wands and nozzles often made from plastic and are less durable
  • Will need to have a power outlet close by
  • Easily disposable because of their shorter lifespan
  • The length of the power cord limits the cleaning radius

Gas Pressure Washers

A gas pressure washer is designed on the very premise of power and cleaning efficiency.

These washers are most suited for getting jobs done in remote areas, as they do not require an active power socket to run.

With a higher pressure and flow rate, gas pressure washers can prove to be more hazardous compared to electric pressure washers.

However, if your job requires cleaning a big surface area and you want to get it cleaned faster, a gas-powered pressure washer is your best bet.

Advantages of Using Gas Pressure Washers:

  • Double the cleaning power
  • Can produce 2000 to 2800 PSI
  • Best for cleaning larger surfaces and removing tough stains
  • Do not require an external socket
  • Have a larger cleaning radius
  • Much more durable with metal bodies
  • Faster than electric pressure washers

Disadvantages of Using Gas Pressure Washers:

  • Noisier at about 85 dBA
  • More power, more risk for accidents
  • Require additional maintenance and upkeep
  • Overhead costs of purchasing fuel
  • Much heavier, making transportation difficult
  • Can be more expensive

Should I Get an Electric or Gas Power Washer?

The most commonly asked question by prospective buyers often revolves around whether they should opt for an electric or gas pressure washer.

Again, to be able to make the best decision, it is crucial that you understand the main features each of these washers has to offer.

One difference between the two is the motor or engine used to power the pump that ultimately produces pressure (PSI) and GPM.

In an electric-powered pressure washer, an electric motor is used. However, in a gas-powered pressure washer, a gas engine is used.

As a basic rule of thumb, always remember that the more power the electric motor or gas engine has, the higher the PSI and GPM its pump will produce.

Eventually, this will further help calculate the overall cleaning units (PSI*GPM) produced by the washer.

That said, if you are looking for a pressure washer you will be using more than just once a year for some heavy-duty cleaning, opting for a gas pressure washer is a better idea.

A gas-powered washer packs in the extra punch needed for cleaning strong stains, allowing for a more thorough cleaning.

Moreover, its remote application helps with mobility; however, the additional maintenance and fuel costs can add up over time.

If your cleaning regimen has more to do with low-scale everyday projects, then opting for an electric pressure washer will be a much better idea.

These are not only portable but compact at the same time, making it possible for you to maneuver and transport one without any hassle.

Lastly, they don’t have any overhead costs associated with maintenance or fuel and only require a close-by electrical socket.

Are Gas or Electric Pressure Washers Better?

Is gas or electric pressure washer the right choice for you?

Whether you choose an electric or gas pressure washer depends on your spending budget and the needed cleaning requirements based on PSI and GPM values.

To know which is better between the two requires you to understand your specific cleaning requirements.

A gas-powered pressure is well suited for large cleaning areas.

On the other hand, an electric-powered one will help you quickly and efficiently get through your day-to-day cleaning regimens.

Whichever you choose, make sure it matches your every need so that you can achieve the results you’re aiming for.


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