March 28

How Long After Drywall To Finish House


Are you renovating your home or building a new one? You may be wondering, “how long after drywall to finish house?”

When I started building my new home, I asked myself the same question. And a quick Google search and conversations with some experts led me to my answer. 

So, in this guide, I will be telling you all about how long after drywall you can expect a house to be complete.

How Long After Drywall To Finish House

The short answer to this question is - you can expect your house to finish about 2 to 4 months after drywall. Now, let me explain the process to you. 

Typically, there are 5 stages of building a new house, which include:

Stage 1 - Getting The Plans And Permits

The first stage entails getting the necessary blueprints and sharing them with the workers involved. You also need to get permits from the local authorities within a said period of time to begin the next stage. 

Stage 2 - Site Work And Masonry

Next, the concrete is poured and the foundation of the home is built. This may take some time and you need to make sure everything is in the right place.

Stage 3 - Setting Up The Framing

The framing stage is much quicker than the previous stage. Here, the exterior framework including the walls and roof are built. Your home will begin to take its shape at this stage.

Stage 4 - Setting Up The Electricity And Plumbing

The breaker boxes, electrical wiring, plumbing, pipes, outlets, and heating and air conditioning are installed. Typically, municipal inspections are also carried out at this stage.

Stage 5 - Drywall, Insulation, Flooring

After the exterior of your house is complete, you can begin putting up drywall on the inside. Along with this, the drywall is also textured. Now, it is just a matter of waiting anywhere between 2 and 4 months for the home to finish.

Should You Opt For A DIY Drywall Or Get A Professional?

The steps of drywalling a house are quite straightforward, and with the right tools and skills, can be taken up as a DIY project. This is generally done in the case of DIY home renovations or if you are building a home yourself from scratch.

However, if you have hired professional contractors and experts to complete a home building or renovation project, it is best to leave it up to them to complete the process. This ensures that the steps are executed with the right equipment and utmost perfection.

Final Words

Drywalling a house is the final stage of building or renovation, so all you have to do after that is wait for a couple of months. And soon enough, your new home will be ready for you to move into!

That brings me to the end of this guide. I hope you have found the answer, so I will see you next time. Until then, happy home building!


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