September 14

How to get rid of aphids


Are you struggling with aphid infestation in your farm or vegetable garden? If you are, read on to find out ways to curb them.

Being a vegan myself, I love planting vegetables in my kitchen garden as I prefer to grow them myself naturally. However, lately, I have experienced a considerable aphid infestation that has ruined most of my vegetables. I researched how to get rid of them, which I found out.

What causes aphid infestation?

These tiny pests do not cause significant effects on healthy plants, as they only cling underneath their leaf’s surface and can easily be removed. However, the same cannot be said under different conditions like drought, congested plants, or planted under poor quality soil. Congestion makes it easier for aphids to cross to the next plant easily. Shortage of rainfall makes the plants susceptible to attacks, while poor soils act as breeding grounds for aphids.

How do aphids affect plants?

Aphids operate by clinging to the young shoots of plants and under the leaves in large numbers. They suck the sap out of these young plants deteriorating their growth. The leaves of affected plants will start curling, yellowing, or appear stunted.

Effective ways to get rid of aphids

Getting rid of aphids is not always an easy task. However, various ways have proven to be effective in the long run. They include

  • Employing natural predators- Here the food chain theory applies, Ladybugs, green lacewings, and birds are higher in the food chain than aphids, so they feed on them. This way, your garden is free of aphids without using chemicals.
  • Hand removing, using water spray, or knocking them into a bucket-Though handpicking is a tedious method, you can use it if you don’t have a large farm. Water spraying and knocking them into a bucket is also efficient for a small portion of land.
  • Using natural or organic sprays-The best natural spray is vinegar spray which is very effective and also eco-friendly. You can also make homemade insecticides with castile soap or purchase them from the nearest agro vet.
  • Grow beneficial plants- Some plants are natural aphid repellants. Hence it is wise to grow them among your other crops to prevent aphids. These plants include garlic, onion, chives, and allium. Also, it is wise to have aphid trap plants. Although aphids are not selective with what they feed on, there are some plants that they prefer to others. Such plants include mustard, nasturtium, cosmos, dahlias, and asters. If you have them on your farm with other crops, the aphids will naturally be lured towards them, leaving your crops alone.

Why do aphids keep coming back?

The main reason aphids always seem to come back is because they reproduce highly, have high survival rates, and can move to new plants quickly. These pests hide in the soil after crops are harvested and survive until others are planted and start developing. Though only a few stay on the ground, their high reproduction rate multiples their number rapidly.


Do banana peels keep away aphids?

Yes. Burying banana peels about two inches below the ground at the base of your plants prevents aphids from going back to the soil. Also, the banana adds nutritional value to the earth once it decomposes.


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