November 27

How To Make a Generator Quiet for Camping?

Regardless if you’ve set up camp or you’re staying in your RV or camper, a generator is a useful tool to have where electricity is nowhere to be found.

Basically, you’d be off the grid, so the only choice you have for electricity is a generator. There is one caveat, though: how loud it can be.

Camping is all fun and games—that is, until night falls, and you’d have to find ways to sleep through the noise of the generator.

Want to know how to make a generator quiet for camping? Lucky for you, we’ve got several tricks up our sleeve to quiet down a generator.

How Do You Reduce the Noise of a Generator

There are a handful of tips and tricks you can do to quiet down a noisy generator without it affecting your supply.

Yes, it is possible to use your generator to power your tools and appliances while also having the peace and quiet you deserve.

Even if you don’t have any experience camping with a generator yet, doing these tricks shouldn’t damage your machine.

Here are eight ways on how to make a generator quieter:

1. The “Water Bucket” Trick

For this trick, you’re going to need to gather a water bucket and a hose pipe.

Once you have it, connect one end of the hose pipe to the generator’s exhaust. The other end should be placed in a five-gallon bucket.

The intent of this is simple: you are reducing the noise levels of the generator. The water will dampen the noise that the generator makes, making it quieter than usual.

However, there is one thing you need to be aware of. By using this trick, you could risk water getting into the generator.

To prevent this disaster from happening, what you need to do is create a small hole at the top of the hose pipe.

The hole shouldn’t be too small, though (as in a pinprick), but it should be small enough to where a 1/16 drill bit could fit through.

2. Check the Muffler

If you are trying to figure out how to quiet down a generator in the quickest way possible, all it takes is a change of the muffler.

The muffler could actually be to blame for why your generator is producing so much noise. Specifically, a failing muffler can make a generator noisy.

Now, you’re probably asking: can I put a quieter muffler on my generator? The short answer is yes.

A well-functioning muffler will reduce enough of the noise. You can even install a muffler that can make it quieter than most other generators. 

3. Install Rubber Feet

Your generator may or may not have rubber feet installed. In the event that there isn’t, you should consider the idea of putting in some.

Rubber feet will not only decrease the noise, but it will reduce a good amount of shock and vibration that the generator produces.

Noise pollution has long been a problem for most generators, so it would make sense that you want to reduce as much of it as possible.

Thankfully, using rubber feet does a great job of that.

4. Adjust the Exhaust Pipes

If you can adjust the exhaust pipes into a vertical position, doing so will help reduce plenty of noise.

When placed horizontally, it will blow the noise in the same direction. However, if the pipes are pointed vertical, the noise goes that way, as well.

What are we getting at here?

If the noise is moving vertical, it won’t make much noise compared to going in a horizontal direction.

It’s a strange thing, but leave it to the scientists to figure that one out.

5. Soundproofing Your Camp or RV

It is not always easy to master how to make generators quiet. Therefore, one of the things you can do instead is soundproof your camp or RV.

You’ll need to block off some of the large open holes that may cause the sound to leak in from the outside.

However, there’s an issue with this you really need to pay attention to. You shouldn’t block all of the large holes because it could put you in a dangerous situation.

Your safety is of the utmost importance, and the last thing you want to deal with is getting trapped in the event of a fire.

6. Build a Shelter Box

Another useful trick you can do on how to make generators quiet is to build a shelter box or a soundproof cage.

After you have successfully built one around your generator, it will reduce or dampen the noise levels.

You can’t completely soundproof a generator, but there are more than enough methods to reduce the noise, with this one being a prime example.

7. Add a Sound Deflector

A sound deflector is self-explanatory. It is designed to reroute the noise someplace else as opposed to reducing it.

While not a permanent solution, it is useful until you find something more practical and effective.

This will also be a good solution in the event you are strapped for cash but want to curb as much of the noise as possible.

8. Keep the Generator Farther From Your Camp or RV

You should at least have your generator 20 feet away from your camp or RV.

It’s not just one way to reduce the noise, but it’s also a must-do since a generator that is too close will pose a safety hazard.

Remember, a generator has an exhaust system that produces harmful gases, like carbon monoxide.

Lengthy exposure to it can lead to serious illness or even death. Also, the exhaust pipe should be faced away from you.

Your generator should be outdoors at all times regardless if you are using it to power your home, camp, or RV.

Can I Put a Quieter Muffler on My Generator?

Earlier, we mentioned that the muffler can play a negative role in the noise your generator makes.

That’s because your muffler may be malfunctioning or has outlived its regular lifespan. For these reasons, it would be best to replace the muffler itself.

If that’s the case, could you opt for a quieter muffler? The answer is yes.

These mufflers are made from high-quality materials, like aluminum, so they will provide you with plenty of durability and longevity.

Just remember, when you have a quieter muffler installed, it will outlive its usefulness at some point in the future.

When it gets close to the end of its life, you may start hearing the noise grow slightly louder than average.

How much do these mufflers go for?

It depends on a few things. It could be the material it's made from, the brand, and the overall quality.

On average, expect to pay at least $30 to $40 for a brand new muffler that can reduce the generator noise.

Some mufflers may be slightly pricier, but the best quality you can afford will fall within the average price range.

how to make a generator quiet for camping


Now that you have a good idea of how to make a generator quiet for camping, we’ll dive into some frequently asked questions about generators.

This should serve as a guide to help you better understand how they work and why they are essential to have.

1. Is 65dB loud for a generator?

At 65dBa, you’d hear the same amount of noise as a normal conversation. Therefore, a generator that produces 65dBa is not that loud at all.

If anything, it’s actually quiet enough to not be annoying, even as it runs throughout the day.

2. What is the average dBa for generators?

It depends on how the generator is powered.

Open-frame generators will produce as much as 70 to 80 dBa.

If the generator is diesel-powered, it will be a lot noisier (specifically, it will produce anywhere from 75 to 80 dBa).

3. Which generator is one of the quietest on the market?

While there are plenty of generators on the market, finding the quietest of the bunch could be key.

In this way, you won’t have to look for ways on how to make a generator quieter.

Today, you’d find that the Westinghouse IGen 1200 is among the top choices. It produces roughly 52dBa of noise when running on a quarter load.

Others include the WEN 56200i (51 dBa) and the Honda EU2200i.

4. Why are Honda generators so quiet?

Honda generators have been popular due to its quiet operation.

One reason is that it uses technology that produces clean energy.

Energy-efficient generators are quieter than regular ones.

5. What is the difference between an inverter generator and a regular generator? 

One of the significant differences between an inverter and a regular generator is the kind of electricity it produces.

Converter generators will solely produce AC electricity.

On the other hand, inverter generators will produce AC electricity that converts to DC and returns to a more AC current.

Another distinction between the two is that inverter generators don’t produce a lot of harmonic resonance.

This means that it won’t affect electronics, like cell phones, laptops, tablets, and more.

Inverter generators will likely produce cleaner energy compared to a regular generator, too.

A standard generator will produce a lot of energy, but the exhaust output will not be as friendly to the environment as inverter generators.

Portability is a lot easier with inverter generators.

If you plan on using a generator for powering your camp or RV, you’ll want a generator to be portable.

Standard generators will usually be heavier in weight and, therefore, complicated to move from one place to the next.

Most standard generators will be fixed to the ground and located outside of your home. 

How to Make a Generator Quiet for Camping

Knowing how to quiet down a generator is easier than you think. The ideas listed above will be a good start.

The key is finding one that is the most convenient and safest for you to do.

With the right technique, you can reduce the generator's noise levels by 10 or more decibels.

Alternatively, you could consider the idea of purchasing a much quieter generator.

Regardless if you own an inverter or a standard generator, though, you’ll want to listen to it regularly.

When it gets a bit noisier than usual, it could mean the muffler needs replacing. However, if the muffler looks fine, it might only need a few adjustments.

If that doesn’t work, you can adjust the exhaust, install rubber feet, or even create a box around the generator to dampen the noise.

Choose one method to quiet down the noise and see how it works the next time you run the generator.


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