January 21

How to Plow Snow with a Truck

Do you own a massive parking area or an extended driveway? Well, if yes, it may be difficult for you to clear it off when snow covers it up totally! 

Snow present in these areas can make you frustrating, isn't it? It makes it complicated to carry things along with these areas and even difficulty walking on them. 

Have you ever wondered about having a heavy-duty truck to remove the entire snow from your living area? Well, it is worth considering, and there is no doubt about it! 

And what’s the outcome? Ultimately snow plowing trucks will make this arduous work significantly less complicated while taking the entire task off from your shoulders and placing it on the truck.

What makes this so unique?

Well, no need to worry as we have made it easier for you! We will provide some pragmatic on how you can plow snow using a truck. 

Besides moving into this task, you must know how to do the work and make it easier for you. According Validpick.com to  try using snowplow lights to make the work more effective!
plow snow with truck

The Awesome Preparation Tips for Snowplowing

Surprisingly enough, snowplowing preparation tips are essential to consider before you opt to clean the area. Let's drive in to see the preparation tips in detail!

  1. 1
    Before you plan to operate the snowplow vehicle, it is crucial to read and understand the user manual thoroughly.
  2. 2
    Do you know carrying safety equipment is vital? Why is this so? To make sure that if anything happens, you have all the safety equipment along with you. The equipment like a tool kit, flashlight, ice scraper, gloves, warm jacket, first aid, vehicle fuses, and a fire extinguisher must be available in your bag.
  3. 3
    Besides this, a snowplow emergency kit is also suitable for you. The kit includes: Additional hydraulic fluid, pump solenoid, additional cutting-edge bolts, hydraulic hoses, trip spring.
  4. 4
    But you know what else? There is a high need to check the truck's tire pressure. Check the hoses as there might be leakage and also the engine belts for tightness and cracks. Is it enough? Well no! There are more things to check, such as all the fluid levels. Examining the truck's battery terminals is crucial too.
  5. 5
    Never run out of fuel when you are outside working. Make sure the fuel tank is full!
  6. 6
    If there is a lack of backup lights or strobe lights, you can add lights to the vehicle for enhanced visibility and make yourself highly visible to others.
plow snow with truck

How to Plow Parking Lots

Follow these reliable steps when plowing the parking lots. Let us get in detail and see how it happens!

  • Keep in mind where the customer asked you to pile the snow.
  • Be really careful when you plow next to the curbs. 
  • If you expect a considerable amount of snow, what you have to do? Well, you need to plow along with the storm instead of letting the snow accumulate.
  • Moreover, keep the catch basins and water drains clear every time.
  • Try not stacking the snow all over the road. Do you know why? It will ultimately block other vehicle's visibility while they are coming or leaving from the parking lot.
  • And you know what? Be careful when plowing next to the cars parked as the snow will push you into the car.
  • When you plan to push snow next to the building, try pushing it away from the building.
  • Start the truck in motion and drop the blade later on.
  • When you come to the end of the pass, lift it off from the accelerator and start using the brake. What to do next? Start raising the blade to assist in stacking the snow. What’s the benefit? You will make it easier on the electrical system.
  • Keep in mind that you plow the areas on the overhead doors and front of the buildings first. With the blade in a straight position and raised, drive up the entire building, drop it off and take the snow away.
  • Afterward, turn the truck around into the cleared area while pushing the snow in the parking lot's outer edges.
  • Once you start to plow, the lot starts from the center position. Do you have any idea why? It is because this is easy to clear and push the snow to the outer edges.
  • But wait! Wait! Is there an enormous amount of snow? Then it would help if you pushed as much snow away as possible. Repeat the process to make it all clear.
  • But if the parking lot is massive, then what will happen? If yes! Go by breaking the plowing process into smaller areas.
  • What do you need to consider? Never pile all the snow in the middle of your parking lot, as it is really daunting to remove it later.
  • Try not plowing near the handicapped areas.
  • Make sure to plow snow in straight lines while pushing the snow to the outer edges. Moreover, take a look at the wind direction and pile snow towards the downwind.
  • It’s beneficial to plow snow in low-traffic hours.
  • Once you are done with removing maximum snow, opt to clean up the work.

Plow the Driveways

plow snow with truck

Driveways are often covered with snow, and there is a high need to clear it properly. How will you do that? Drive the truck up to the garage. 

Afterward, drop your truck's blade and pull the snow appropriately towards the two car lengths. Turn the truck forth and back in your cleaned area.

In the end, push the snow along the end of your driveway. Finish the process by pushing snow over the end of the driveway.  Make sure there is no snow left on the sidewalks or the road.

Protect the Transmission

Let us tell you something astonishing! The most evident problem encountered by the truck while plowing is the damage to its transmission. What is the reason behind it? Overheating of the fluid along with improper use leads to this damage.

Many truck manufacturers do not prefer to plow in overdrive. Consult the truck manual before heading forward to it.

What to do next? Wait till the transmission grabs before it accelerates. Keep in mind to accelerate it slowly, enabling the tires to grip correctly for better traction. 

What's the catch? It will avoid the spinning of tires. Whenever you get a chance, go back to the clean area. Once plowing is done, let the truck idle for at least 10 minutes allowing the transmission to cool the fluid.

The Bottom Line

Snowplowing with the truck is no doubt a worthy option to consider. All tips and preparations need to be your priority before cleaning the snow, either from the parking lot or driveways. 

We hope that this detailed guide will assist you a lot while working. The next time when you are doing snow plowing, this will help you doing everything correctly.


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