January 18

How To Replace String On Ryobi Weed Eater

No matter how efficient your Ryobi weed eater is, it will need a new string at some point. 

After all, the string breaks a little every time you use the tool to cut grass and weeds on the lawn. But I understand that initially, inserting the replacement all by yourself can be intimidating. So, I’ve put together this simplified guide on “how to replace string on Ryobi weed eater” to help you get the job done smoothly. 

How To Replace String On Ryobi Weed Eater 

Using The Right String Size 

Firstly, you should know that Ryobi weed eaters come in different sizes and types. And each model, in turn, functions with a cutting string of a specific size. So, using the recommended string size for a particular model is essential for effective trimming and hassle-free results. 

Note that you can figure out the right string size from either the spool of the model or its user manual. On average, the string lines of commonly-used weed eaters measure around 0.80 to 0.95 inches. 

Step-By-Step Guide 

Now that you know how to choose the right-sized string for your Ryobi weed eater, here’s the simplest way to insert it into the tool. Having used this method many times, I can assure you that it’s pretty straightforward and won’t be time-consuming either. 

Step1: Removing The Spool 

Grasp the knob at the center of the trimming spool and unscrew it in a counterclockwise direction. Once the knob is unscrewed, the spool will pop out of the weed eater. That said, you won’t need any tools for this step. 

Step 2: Inserting The New Line 

Next, pass the new line through the anchor hole near the center of the spool. This hole will have an attached channel to help thread the string onto the spindle easily. Now, insert the string end into the hole and bend the line sharply so that it keeps the string anchored strongly. 

Step 3: Winding The Line 

Follow up by pressing the string onto the channel and winding the line around the spindle in a counterclockwise direction. 

After you’re done with the winding, snap the line into one of the holding notches when the spool is full. Then clip off the string using a pair of scissors or garden shears. Make sure the string has an overhang of about an inch once clipped. 

Step 4: Placing The Spool 

Finally, you’ll have to pull the line out of the notch, grasp it between your fingers, and position the spool back into the hub of the weed eater. To ensure the spool fits into the hub firmly, push its clipped end through the porthole in the hub. 

Then, keep pressing the spool while feeding out some of the line (about six inches) through the hole. Complete the process by tightening down the center knob to secure the spool in the hub. 

Final Words 

Doesn’t replacing a weed eater string seem much simpler now? So, what are you waiting for? Gather the few tools needed, and get to work. And with your favorite weed trimming tool back in form, you’ll be able to maintain the lawn or garden just as beautifully as before. 


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