June 14

How to Store Lawn Mower in Garage

Lawn mowers are important assets in any yard. Storage is a vital part of ensuring that your lawn mower lasts for long. There are important steps that one should take when storing a lawn mower either for the short term or long term. Whatever you do, never leave your lawn mower outside even for a day as this could significantly affect the functionality and durability of the mower. The best place to store it is in your garage. Let’s see how you can store the lawn mower a garage.

Place it under a Mat

The lawn mower should never be placed directly on the floor. This could damage the garage floor and the mower due to rust. Ensure that you cover your floor with a vinyl material to protect both the floor and the lawn mower

Cover the lawn mower

You might think, well, since it is indoors, I don’t need to cover it. This is a mistake, especially when storing for long periods. The lawn mower could gather dust and moisture in humid weather and rust the blade. Use a heavy-duty waterproof cover to keep off moisture and dust accumulation.

Storage for short term

Sometimes, you only need to store your lawn mower for a week or so. In this case, make a wheel ramp and place it in the garage. The ramp will make it easy to pull out the lawn mower whenever it’s needed. The bottom of the ramp can be used to store other items like tools.

How to Winterize

When winter is here, we know that the lawn mower is no longer needed until the spring. There are ways you can ensure that you still have a functional lawn mower the next spring. The first thing you need to do is remove the battery and clean the terminals. This is pretty easy as it involves disconnecting the cables from the battery. Clean the terminals with a commercial terminal cleaner and use a clean cloth for the rest of the battery.

The next step is to remove all the fuel in the battery. Never store your lawn mower with gas inside. You can siphon it, but you must first install an engine stabilizer. Run the engine with the stabilizer for five minutes and switch it off. Remove the spark plug to avoid starting the engine while siphoning gas.

Finally, clean your lawn mower with a garden horse to rid it of any debris and dirt. Don’t store it while it’s still wet. After it is all cleaned up, place it in the garage and cover it as mentioned above.


Proper storage requires an optimized space to ensure that the lawn mower is not in the way. Always ensure that your garage is optimized and well organized to create space. You can install wall hangers and ceiling hangers to create space. If you follow these steps, you will have a functional lawn mower for a long time.


Can I hang my lawn mower in the garage?

Yes, you can. This, however, is only possible with small lawn mowers.


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