May 7

How Long Does It Take For Grass Seed To Grow

Just like the leaves of trees, blades of grass have a limited lifespan!

After being engrossed in gardening for so many years, I often forget that other people do not know the things that I take for granted. So, I was pleasantly surprised when my daughter asked me if grass can die of old age.

We were coming back home from the airport when the question came up. My daughter – who now lives in the city – was enjoying the fresh air, and looking out at the vacant lots and fields through the car window.

All of a sudden, she pointed towards the tall, overgrown grass outside and asked me why they had sprouted at the top. Many of you, like her, may have wondered what those wheat-like bunches are, and why they are growing out of the grass.

To answer the question – these are called inflorescences, and it is where grass seeds come from. And from there, new life begins.

This incident inspired my daughter to attempt to re-seed the yard. Now that her seeds are in the soil, her next question is “how long does it take for grass seed to grow?”

How Do You Grow Grass Seed?

Before I answer the looming question of how long it takes a grass seed to germinate and mature, let’s start from the beginning. After all, if you don’t know the proper way of planting grass seeds, you may see delayed growth or no growth at all.

Research well before you begin planting because you get only one good shot a year. Moreover, it may take a few weeks to figure out if you have done anything wrong, and by that time it will be too late to start over. That’s not all; before I get to the right sowing period, I must start with the seed.

Type Of Seeds

Purchasing the right seed can make or break the future of having any grass at all. If external factors like the type of soil and climate are not suited to the seed species, then the seed will refuse to germinate.

Time Of The Year

At this point, I assume that you have picked a grass variety that is suited for the climate in your area. The ideal seeding window for warm-season and cold-season grasses also varies, so be sure to read up on the best times to grow the seeds.

Preparing The Surroundings

Once the seeds do germinate, the tiny blades will need to break through the soil to get the all-important oxygen and sunlight for photosynthesis. With that being said, compacted soil can trap them underground, so aerate the soil and condition it in advance.

Apart from soil, other things like bushes, shrubs, and trees come in between seedlings and sunlight – you may have to cut these down. Alternatively, you can opt for grass varieties that thrive even with less sunlight.

Water Properly

Hydration is integral to these infamously thirsty species. However, many gardeners mess up in this area because grass can die as easily from too much moisture as they can from too little.

To achieve a balance, lightly water twice a day until the seeds germinate. Once the seeds have sprouted, water heavily for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Just remember to keep the soil damp, and don’t be afraid to spray lightly in the evenings even after soaking the grass earlier that day.

How Long Does It Take For Grass To Grow?

The question of the hour!

To answer it, I will be breaking down the timeline of the life cycle of grass from seed to maturity. Remember that the growth speed of different types of grass, grown in different types of soil, in different regions – will most likely not be the same.

Day 1

With the soil bed prepared for the seeds, they are scattered and buried at a proper depth of about ⅛” to ¼”.

Days 10 To 14

Although not too noticeable, grass will start germinating around this time. Of course, this also depends on critical factors like warmth, oxygen, sunlight, and water.

Week 4 To 6

About a month from the day seeds are sown, seedlings turn into visibly taller blades of grass. At this time, look out for weeds that may be growing around the area. Usually, weeds grow faster than grass and need to be removed so they don’t hinder grass growth. However, it is advisable to wait before mowing the lawn since mowing may interfere with the survival of grass along with the weeds.

Week 6 To 7

Weed control can be started now. Begin the process by using a lawn mower to cut the grass. At this stage, the grass is strong and mature enough to bear the effects of both a lawn mower and a weed killer without dying. And sure enough, you can apply weedicides in preparation for overseeding.

About a week later, you can begin overseeding or reseeding the area for a fuller and greener-looking lawn. For optimal results, look for dry patches where seeds probably did not germinate properly. By all means, go ahead and generously scatter seeds in these areas.

Months 3 To 12

It is finally time to reap what you have sowed! With ideal growing conditions and your perseverance, you will have a picture-perfect expanse of green grass.

Bestseller No. 1
Jonathan Green (10840) Fast Grow Grass Seed - Cool Season Lawn Seed (7 lb)
  • QUICKLY GROWS TURF - This rapidly establishing grass seed mixture grows quick-turf for problem areas. It's designed to fill in troubled areas in lawns or grow an entirely new lawn quickly. It germinates in 7 -10 days
  • FULL SUN TO MEDIUM SHADE - Fast Grow Grass Seed contains annual ryegrasses, tall fescues, and fine fescues. It grows in full sun to medium shaded yard areas
  • PROVIDES A DARK GREEN LAWN - This grass seed mix produces healthy, dense, and attractive turf with a dark-green color. The best time to apply is mid-August to mid-October, or mid-March through mid-May. It grows in full sun to moderate shade
SaleBestseller No. 2
Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass Tall Fescue Mix, Combination Seed and Fertilizer, Grows Green Grass in Just Weeks, 5.6 lbs.
  • Grow grass up to 2X times faster than seed alone with Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass Tall Fescue Mix (when applied at the new lawn rate, subject to proper care)
  • Revolutionary mix of seed and fertilizer results in full, green grass in just weeks
  • This grass seed mix is for large problem areas in your lawn and establishing new grass

Final Words

If you have stuck around till now, it is evident that you possess the most important quality to grow grass – patience!

The final stage of grass growth spells the end of the first cycle of most annual grass. I hope this answers your question. However, I stand by my belief that the best way to answer it is to grow your own grass.

Not only will it teach you wonderful qualities of patience, gratitude, discipline, and commitment, but you also get a spectacular yard.

So, what are you waiting for? Get, set, go! Or rather – get, seed, grow!


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