June 8

Snowblower Vs Snow Shovel

When it comes to removing snow during winter, two common tools of choice include the snowblower and the snow shovel. 

There's a rise in demand for these items during winter among those who are yet to find a proper solution for the snow covering their driveways or sidewalk. That's why I am here to tell you everything on the topic of snowblower vs snow shovel, to make picking one tool easier. 

So, let's get started!

About Snow Shovels

You might have already guessed that snow shovels aren't a new invention. It’s believed that shovel-like instruments were first used to clear snow in Russia more than 6,000 years ago. And it remains a handy-dandy tool for many to clear snow during the winter

The most basic snow shovels contain a scoop attached to a long shaft and a handle. One needs to pick up the snow using the scoop and then throw it into a pile nearby. As you can understand, using a manual snow shovel requires a lot of effort, which can get tricky for some. 

To be fair, many brands have brought forth innovative designs that ease the process of clearing snow and need much less physical effort. There's also the snow sled shovel or snow plow, which lets you pick up a considerable amount of snow in a single push. Irrespective of the design, snow shovels can often become ineffective on days of heavy snowfall. 

Electric snow shovels come as a respite as they minimize the need to overexert yourself physically. They can come with wheels or snow throwing mechanisms to make the task easier by tossing the snow on the side. The electric variants are found in both battery-operated and corded options, so you can choose one based on the area that needs to be cleared. 

While the idea of shoveling snow may seem easy, it's physically demanding and requires extreme caution to maintain safety. You should only proceed with it after learning the proper techniques. And if you have heart problems or are prone to back pain, it's best to leave shoveling alone. 

Pros Of Snow Shovels

  • Good for clearing light snow 
  • Simple to use
  • Better control over lifting snow 
  • Lightweight 
  • Affordable

Cons of Snow Shovels 

  • Physically demanding 
  • Not great for clearing snow from large areas 
  • Slower than snowblowers 
  • May not work for deep or heavy snow 
  • Can be dangerous if the right technique isn’t followed

About Snowblowers

Compared to snow shovels, snowblowers or snowthrowers are relatively modern inventions. Usually powered by gas or electricity, these machines are used for clearing paths of snow at one go by throwing it away. 

Snowblowers are fitted with an auger or impeller that collects the snow and sends it up the chute for disposal. The single-stage snowblowers are the most economical and are primarily used for residential purposes. However, there are more powerful two-stage, multi-stage snowblowers or riding snowblowers that have the capacity to move a huge amount of snow. 

Along with pathways, driveways, lawns, and patios, snowblowers can be used to clear snow from roads. You can choose the size of a snowblower based on the area that needs to be covered along with the usual amount of snow to be cleared. The pathway clearance can go up to 20 ft in professional machines. 

Even the most basic snowblowers can help you clear tons of snow in a day without breaking your back. As a snowblower doesn't demand much effort except to push it forward, you can work for a long time and clean the snow in a single session. With their added power, snowblowers are much better for removing heavy and thick snow. 

Having said that, gas or electric-powered snowblowers demand more maintenance than snow shovels. So, make sure to give it the yearly check-up before winter to avoid any problems removing snow throughout the season. 

Pros Of Snowblowers

  • Takes less effort to remove snow
  • Faster snow removal
  • Clears a huge amount of snow 
  • Doesn’t require the use of special techniques 
  • Relatively safer than snow shovels 
  • Good for removing heavy or thick snow

Cons Of Snowblowers

  • Expensive compared to snow shovels 
  • Requires regular maintenance 
  • Takes up more storage space 
  • Cold engine may take time to start 

Final Words

That's everything I had to tell you about the differences between snowblowers and snow shovels. As you might have understood by now, I find snowblowers more useful for clearing snow, especially on a heavy snow day. 

However, that doesn't mean I don't own a snow shovel. I like to keep one handy to clear my deck in the morning when there's light snowfall. 

If you can't afford a snowblower at this moment, I suggest getting hold of a high-quality battery-powered snow shovel. Just make sure to use the proper techniques while lifting the snow, and throw it away carefully. 

Until next time, goodbye, and take care! 


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