September 14

How to get rid of squirrels in the garden


Although they are very cute, squirrels can be an inconvenience if you have a garden. No one would like to have absent crops, bulb damage, or soil disruption in their garden so keeping these tiny animals away is necessary. Luckily there are many ways to get rid of them and in most cases, you won’t have to harm the squirrel.

Here are some of the best ways;

Use odors that they dislike

Squirrels can be quite picky and sensitive when it comes to odors and this makes it easier to keep them away by using various smells. Coffee grounds are one of the smells that are extremely unappealing to squirrels and scattering them in your borders will do the trick. Not to mention coffee grounds will be beneficial to your soil too. Squirrels also hate the smell of mint so giving your garden a few spritzes of water mixed with a few drops of peppermint oil will keep the squirrels away. You can also add pots of mint to your patio. Other alternative odors you can use are scented repellants, chili flakes, white or black pepper, and spritzing your garden with a mixture of water and hot sauce.

Plant strongly scented flowers

Humans love the smell of flowers but squirrels won’t dare come close to some types of flowers, especially those of the allium family thanks to their oniony scent. Flowers like snowdrops, daffodils, and hyacinths are great options. They will help keep the rodents away from your yard, while also adding a great architectural structure. However, it is advisable to incorporate other approaches as you use the plants since the plants alone will unlikely be enough.

Use a motion-activated sprinkler

Nobody would love to be soaked with water by surprise and this includes squirrels too. Investing in a motion-activated sprinkler will aid in keeping squirrels at bay. The motion-activated sprinklers will send a blast of cold water whenever the squirrels encroach across your garden.

Let your pets out

In addition to providing companionship, our pets such as cats and dogs can be very useful in keeping our garden free of rodents. This will actually be quite fun for them since most pets love to chase squirrels. Take advantage of this by letting them out in the garden the next time you see a squirrel roaming about. Your pet will most likely chase it out and the squirrel will opt for a safer place to visit next time. As you let out your pets to watch over your garden, repay the favor by ensuring that they are safe by looking out for poisonous plants.

Remove trash

One of the things that will attract squirrels to your garden is the smell of food, and they will hunt for the food source. Keep the squirrels away by keeping a tight lid on the trashcans and do not leave food or other waste exposed. Following these protocols will also ensure your garden stays clear of other pests and rodents.

Get a decoy

Decoys are a popular approach to keeping pests away from gardens and they have proved to be efficient. Decoys such as rubber snakes or plastic owls will scare the squirrels and prevent them from getting close to your garden. To increase efficiency, move the decoy every day and attach a noise maker to it.


These are some of the simplest and most efficient ways to get rid of squirrels in your garden. Try them out and your garden will be rodent free in no time.


Will a cat help me get rid of squirrels in my garden?

Yes, a cat will help you get rid of squirrels in your garden by chasing them away.


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